Bella (Adeciam Decima)

Bella (Adeciam Decima)
Proud Mum!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Nearly 9 weeks old...

Moonmin - nearly 9 weeks old. 

Last week we had Mimi stay (aka Sophie) for a pussycat vacation.  She soon settled in - but Bella made sure she knew who was the boss!  The following is a picture of all the cats taking over my bed... leaving no room for me! 
Handsome Moonmin - now a lively adolescent! 

Casper, Bella and Moonmin...
Moonmin sneaking some num-nums and mummy looking very proud...

Moonmin is approaching 9 weeks old so will be taken for his vaccination on Saturday and register him with the GCCF.  Then I must make the decision whether to find him a new home... :-(
He is such a character that my heart says keep him and my head said I must find him a new home...  we'll see...

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

8 weeks old & full of mischief!

With Mum on the climbing frame.
With Mum again.
And with Mum & big brother Caspar ...
... who is now 10 months old and very handsome. 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Moon-Min is 5 weeks old today - Farewell to Fudge

Not so many posts for Moon-min due to him moving so fast it's difficult to get a nice picture of him - also Fudge has been poorly and sadly had to be put to sleep this morning.  Very sad day. 

Moon-Min ordering his 'usual'... should be on solid foods soon!  No interest yet though...

He is going to be the same colouring as Casper or Bella... Gorgeous coloured eyes!

This is Fudge who passed away today 09/05/2012.   Pictured here with Bella Mouse. 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Caspar at 8 months

Caspar, who has been on holiday, is looking forward to going home to meet his new brother!

He is getting into practise!

Monday, 16 April 2012

No sleep - Bella keeps asking me to baby sit :-(

Bella encouraging her baby to watch TV at 2 weeks old!  Bit early eh?!

So our little chap is looking as gorgeous as every.  Such a sweet boy.   His colouring looks to be a blue point but this may darken up a little more. 

Bella has been a bit bored and over excitable as she only has one to care for.  Previously the kittens would cuddle up together so mum could have a break.  But this little one doesn't like being left on his own.  So Bella has been bringing him into my bedroom and downstairs with her.  I ended up having to move into her bedroom just to stop her moving him around so much.

Last night was not very good at all - I got very little sleep.  She obviously wants attention - but it's getting too much now.  Let's hope he survives another 2 weeks of being dragged around.  I think tonight I will be fitting a carpet bar so that she cannot pull up the carpet if I shut the door.  Hopefully she will give up if there is no where to go.  Here's hoping to a night with more than 3 hours sleep!  

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

More Pictures of Moon-min Solo

6 Days Old - Little Solo Moon coming to say hello...

6 days old - looks like he may be darkening up!     He has 2 little hair tufts that look like 'horns' next to his ears! 

6 day old Baby and mummy bella - eyes opened now.  Spot his 'horns'...

2 days old - little baby looking much bigger already.